lunes, 5 de abril de 2010


In this blog I’m going to analyze the document EMANCIPATORY MANAGEMENT: THE CONTRADICTION BETWEEN PRACTICE AND DISCOURSE by MARCOS BARROS proposed by the teacher in the Latin America Module.
After more than ten years of critical management study, there is not a clear organization theory, therefore, the author is trying to strive through the combination of theory and practice the notion of Emancipator Management by conducting an study of communitarian organizations in Bahia (Brazil) and Quebec (Canada). These organizations were chosen especially because they defended a clear emancipatory discourse of participation, solidarity and collective well-being. For that reason, the research was focus on the congruence between these expressed values and their organizational practices in the light of their specific contextual constraints.
The research was conducted through an observation of 400 hours in each group. During this time, they looked the organizations’ members for significant events that should be characterized as an obstacle (limiting-situations) to the emancipation in their work environment. This stage was complemented by a document review and five different two-hour semi-structured interviews in each organization with members of different levels of hierarchy and organizational functions. The last stage was the codification and decodification of emancipation themes three-hour meeting in each organization. The selected situations were presented in a pictorial form that symbolized concrete and recognizable events of the organizational life that limited or defied emancipation. These meetings showed the limitations of the methodology. This method, does not take into account the bias forced by power inequality. Therefore, in both organizations, though in different manners, political aspects forced us to change the format of the discussion.


Quebecker Organization: The Individual and the Communitarian


In this blog I will explain the main characteristics of the American culture, trough some codes and trough the American Football metaphor

These codes are going to try to explain some of the fundamentals archetypes in American culture giving us a glimpse of why they do the things they do. These codes are the code for America, the code of work and money, and the code of quality and perfection.
For America
In this code, Americans see themselves as new, as adolescents; they say the only ancient things are the forests and canyons. They are always renewing, preferring to destroy things rather than preserve them.

Also the sense of size pervades in American culture. They are the masters of the macro-culture; they want everything in abundance, from their homes to their meals.
Another thing about America is that one can find diversity and unity. They have a great variety of landscape that changes dramatically across countries. They have the rocky coast, wide plains, expanses, concrete cities, and on the other hand you can find the same kind of things in all this places, the same Starbucks, the same Holly Day Inn, and the same Mc Donald.

The American cultural code for America is DREAM: of the explorers, of the entrepreneurs, of the immigrants, of the new explorers. For them also the constitution is a dream, a dream for a better society. Disney, Hollywood, and the internet were created to project Americans dreams to the world. They consider themselves as the product of dreams and as makers of dreams
Their notion of abundance is also a dream is the dream if limitless opportunities. Their need of constant movement is a dream in which they can do always more, always create and accomplish. Even their cultural adolescence is a dream, a dream in which they believe they are going to be always young and that they never have to grow up.
They have become the most powerful, the most influential culture, because they believe in the power of dreams. They have raise again after the Great Depression because of the Dream of the New Deal, and also raise back up from the 1970’s crisis because they believed in the dream of the new America of Reagan administration.
Remaining on code means supporting their dreams. They want to encourage people to have big ideas, to take risks, and to learn of their mistakes. They want to promote reinvention and starting over. This is American primarily mission, to keep the dream alive.
Work and Money

From the very begging of American culture their approach to work is to work hard, earn money and not resting. For Americans, work wasn’t simply something you did to make a living or because you have to do it. Even if they don’t want their work, it had a much powerful dimension, a life- defining dimension.
The American culture code for work is WHO THEY ARE: when you ask an American what she does for living, you are really asking who she is. They believed that they are what they do in their jobs. When they are unemployed they get depressed but not because they don’t have to pay their bills, but rather they think that if they are doing nothing they are nobodies. Even a billionaire still works sixty hour a week because he needs constant affirmation of who he is.
They also believed that they never have to be stuck in what you do. It is possible to be happy doing the same job for thirty years, but only if the job provides consistent changes. But if the work they do don’t provide them with the sense of who they are, it preferable to seek something else.
There is also an important connection between work and money in the American culture, and although we saw that they don’t work to make money, rather to feel they are somebody, it’s significant as well.
Money reminds them that their “business is a good one”, that they have work hard to get something, that they can carry their burdens, that they are appreciated, and that they are moving up to the next level. Not having money make them feel like if they were in a hole.
The American Culture Code for money is PROOF: this code shows that money isn’t a goal for most Americans. On the contrary it shows that they are good in what they do, and that they have true value in the world. Money is the barometer of success, if someone is doing a similar job, and the other person is making more money, unconsciously they believed that she or he is doing a better job.
Another important issue to take into account about Americans is that they are the most charitable people in the world, and according to their competition about who earns more money they also have a competition of who makes the largest donations.
Work is essentially part of who they are and they just want a chance to prove themselves and receive tangible evidence that they have succeed.
Quality and Perfection
The culture Code of Quality is IT WORKS: Americans have a simple and clear quality demand for their products. They need to work. They just need to make it sure that things operates the way it was supposed to.
The culture code of perfection is DEATH. The perfect car would be useless to Americans, because they wouldn’t have the excuse that their old car doesn’t work well enough anymore and they need to change it. Therefore the plan obsolescence, in which many manufacturers employ on building things that needs to be replaced in a relatively short period of time, is on Code with the American Culture.
Because Americans associate perfection with death, they don’t expect anyone to make the perfect product; they expect them to break down, but companies want to learn about their mistakes and continue improving. However, because the code of quality is it works, they expect problems to be resolved quickly and with a minimum of disruption. For Americans great service is more important than great quality.

The American Football: individualism and competitiveness specialization, huddling.
The American football is an appropriate metaphor to describe American culture and the manner in which business is practice by Americans. This sport captures many of the central values, beliefs and ideals of America society, and has progressively become an integral component of its community. The peculiar speed, the constant movement, the high degree of specialization, the consistent aggressiveness, and the intense competition in football, all typify the American culture.

Individualism and Competitiveness Specialization
Equality of opportunity, independence, initiative, and self-reliance are some values that have remain as basic American ideals through history. All of these values are expressive of a high degree of individualism. As a matter of fact, according to Hoftade’s (1991) 53 -nation study of cultural values, the United States ranks first on individualism. Those same ideals have been in professional football and have been so over the years.
Another important characteristic to take into account is the competitive specialization, which appears to be the most evident aspect of America. The notion of specializing to compete is the principal ideological ideal that Americans adhere to practice, safeguard and promote worldwide. Competitive specialization is the tool with which Americans tend to undertake in life’s main challenges. This tool is often serviced and maintain with high levels of emotional intensity and aggressiveness.
Competition seems to be more than a mean to an end in America and has apparently become a major goal. Just as over a half of the rules and regulations in professional football deal with protecting and enhancing competition in the league, so too in American antitrust laws and regulations are essentially created to safeguard competition and equality of opportunity for individual and groups.

Another characteristic that represent the American football is the huddle (how offensive teams gather together before each play to call a certain plan into action). In the huddle there are different players from diverse backgrounds and with various levels of education. All have agreed that the only way to accomplish certain task is to put differences aside and cooperate objectively to achieve certain goal. After the game every player returns to his own world, living his own life in his own unique way. That is the essence of melting pot, a diversify group of people who forget their differences temporarily to achieve a common goal.
The huddling is necessarily in most American groups and organizations in order to handle their problems and achieve their objective. Although the huddle is quite different form many other countries. For example the Japanese normally socialize with coworkers after work and if major problem occurs they will sometimes go off-site for a drink, a dinner, informal friendship and finally discussion of the problem at hand and how to address it. Periodically they will repeat such sessions until the long-term problem is solved. Americans on the other hand, tend to huddle together in business meetings specifically to address and solve the problem at hand, after which they disperse to complete their other work-oriented activities. If additional meeting are necessary, they are normally conducted in the same way.
Americans tend to believe that any problem can be solved, as long as the solution process comprises a specific number of steps to follow and questions to answer. Likewise in football, no matter how complicated a situation may be, teams are convinced that they can overcome the complexities through a standardized planning process
Rapaille, Clotaire. The culture code: an ingenious way to understand why people around the world buy and live as they do. New York: Broadway books, 2006. 208p.
Gannon J., Matin (2007). Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 29 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, Fourth Edition. Chapter 16. Pgs 205-219.

"The HP Way"

The proposed case study for this module illustrates the importance of organisational culture in the context of the USA It also enables the reader to understand the strong relationship between national and organisational culture.
Based on the class presentations and the assigned case study, please answer the following questions:
1. List and explain 3 strategies used by HP in order to develop and sustain a strong organisational culture - "The HP Way".
3 of the strategies used to develop and sustain the HP organizational culture are:
1. Participative management style: in which they support individual freedom and initiative while emphasising unity of purpose and teamwork
2. Selection of new recruits: they recuit people who either share or can easily adapt to the HP company's values. There is an emphasis on adaptability and cultural ‘fit’ with HP and, once employed by the company, all employees were offered some degree of job security.
3. Formal and informal communication: communication of the company's values also helped to transmit and maintain its corporate culture. They implemented the ‘open door’ principle in which every employee had the right to seek advice from, and be counseled by, any member of HP management, concerning any personal or job related problem.
The company also encouraged informal communication through ritual coffee breaks and ‘Beer Busts’, where managers and employees came together and got to know each other and discussed projects and problems together.

2. By 2001, Carly Fiorina was facing a huge dillemma in terms of organisational culture. "Should Fiorina try to revitalize the HP way or attempt to replace it with a “better” culture than the one established by Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett in the 1940’s?". Explain your answer.
I do think that if the “HP way” has been working for so many years, I don’t consider it is necessary to change it. Many of the people that has been working there and are used to work with that culture won’t accept this kind of transformation and as the case said “a small number of HP middle managers elected to leave during 1999 and 2000, and also a number of long-standing employees begun to worry about the erosion of the HP Way, the revered corporate tradition of employee support and innovation. Even an anonymous HP employee, cited by Hamilton (2000) said:
‘The HP Way works and has seen us through difficult periods on the past. We must be careful that principles that this company was founded are not destroyed in the pursuit of short- term gains or cost-cutting to ramp up the company’s share price.’*
*Forster, Nick. 2002. “Managing excellence through corporate culture: the HP way” The Management Case Study Journal 2(1): 13-25.


Organizational culture, defined typically as the shared value system of an organization’s
members, is seen as an increasingly important factor affecting business activity and
success in the competitive and global environments of the late 20th and early 21st
centuries. Today we are going to focuse on the Australian Organizational culture and analyze some of it features according to the analysis made by Kevin Baird, Graeme Harrison, and Robert Reeve in its paper investigation: THE CULTURE OF AUSTRALIAN ORGANIZATIONS AND ITS RELATION WITH STRATEGY.

To do such analysis they based they research according to some organizational culture factors and component items, that are in the following table.

(SARROS ET AL. 2002)

1. Performance Orientation

Having high expectations for performance
Enthusiasm for the job
Being results oriented
Being highly organized

2. Social Responsibility

Being reflective

Having a good reputation
Being socially responsible
Having a clear guiding philosophy

3. Supportiveness

Being team oriented
Sharing information freely
Being people oriented

4. Emphasis on Rewards

Opportunities for professional growth
High pay for good performance
Praise for good performance

5. Stability

Being calm
Security of employment
Low conflict

6. Competitiveness

Achievement orientation
An emphasis on quality
Being distinctive
Being competitive

6 Innovation

Being innovative
Quick to take advantage of opportunities
Risk taking
Taking individual responsibility

The result of this investigation suggested that , Australia performance orientation was the most important factor amoung Australian organizations followed by Social Responsibility, Supportiveness and Emphasis on Rewards. Competitiveness and Innovation were ranked equal last by the respondent managers as characteristics of their organizations.
The high ranking of performance Orientation, a cultural factor characterised by values of having high expectations for performance and being results and action oriented, bodes well for the success of Australian business if, as theorised, organizational culture is an important determinant of managers’ and employees’ work attitudes, decisions and behaviour and, ultimately, an organization’s financial performance. Less auspicious is the low ranking of Innovation, a cultural factor characterised by a willingness to experiment, being innovative, being quick to take advantage of opportunities, and risk taking.
For some scholars there are reason to believed thata the low ranking of innovation migh have its roots on economical issues. In the economic aspect, the government removal of the protectionist policies, and being exposed to macro-economic and micro-economic reforms, including financial and labour market deregulation and tariff reforms, made Australian be more reserve to the innovation practices. Also in the Social aspect
With respect to Australian social or national culture, and its implications for organizational culture, the egalitarianism, mateship and individualism were shown as the most prominent characteristics of Australian society. The “mateship” characteristic of Australian national culture, “represents a leadership styl e that focuses on the group”. Egalitarianism (the belief that people should be treated the same and as equals) has consistently been identified as an Australian cultural trait, as “the ability of Australian leaders to engage socially with workers while also nurturing and developing their careers”. Individualism recognizes the egalitarianism aspect of Australian culture and describes a culture where people are regarded as independent of each other and self-reliant and self-directed

As a conclusion, we can say that although Australian organizational culture is well implemented, there are two important aspects to keep an eye on it and are: the competiveness and innovation. In order to be competitive, Australian companies, have to make attractive changes in their services and products to face today’s world challenges
- Baird, Kevin. 2007. The culture of Australian organizations and its relation with strategy. “International Journal Of Business Studies, 15(1).

Based on the film “Rabbit Proof Fence” (2002), and the information provided in class, please answer the following questions: When removed from their families, the children were prepared for “a better life”, how is that true or false when considering different perspectives?

Based on the perspective of the Aborigines and their families, this is a false statement. How are they going to have a better life taken away of their family at early ages? In addition they would never have the chance to be someone else beside servants; this was a kind of slavery. On the other hand, based on the Australian perspective, they thought that the Aborigines were wild people which were lazy and didn’t like to work, their weddings promoted the sexual abuse and also they destroy houses. White Australians didn’t want this kind of culture to influence theirs, and thus they took this Childs away to be educated without the influence of their “wild” community and to lose connection with their aboriginal culture. So according to, for a better life statement, it woul be true.


The European Union is an economical and political union that covers a large portion of the European continent. Actually contains 27 sovereign member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg ,Republic of Malta, Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom. And It represents 30% of the world’s GDP, and has 23 official languages.
The European Union is founded upon numerous treaties but the European Coal and Steel Community in the Treaty of Paris (1951) was the beginning of this integration followed by the Treaty of Rome in which the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom where created (1957). In 1969 Heads of State or Government meet in The Hague to discuss completion of single market, greater integration and enlargement of the European Community. They agree to phase in economic and monetary union (EMU) by 1980, to speed up integration and cooperation on political matters, finally in 1992 the Maastricht Treaty on European Union was signed, founded "on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law“
It objectives are the development of a common market where people, goods, services and capital can moved freely and also a customs union between its member states in which is apply a common external tariff on all goods entering the market.
There is a current discussion around the existence of the co-determinism principle in Germany. Select, define and explain 3 arguments in favor and 3 against such principle.

Co-determination is a practice whereby the employees have a role in management of a company. It began in Germany and at first there was only worker participation in management in the coal and steel industries. But in 1974, a general law was passed mandating that worker representatives hold seats on the boards of all companies employing over 500 people. 1
There are different points of view relating this matter, there are arguments in favor and against.
1. On the assumption that the primary goal of employers is to maximise profits in the interests of shareholders, codetermination can reorient the company's goals in the interests of workers. A better balance may be struck so that the company interests are not so one sided. For unions, codetermination is part of democratising the economy. It is also a way for workers to better the terms and conditions of their contracts in an orderly and regulated way.
2. It can be an instrument for long term increase in productivity of the company. Some economists dispute this on the basis that the losses in efficiency in production outweigh any gains in productivity.
3.It can also foster innovation in the company, through the participation of all the member of the company
1. Trade unions have long been calling for the clarification of supervisory duties and for the introduction of minority rights so that a disinterested majority is not able to allow management free run to do as it pleases. “Law on the Improvement of the Supervision and Transparency of Companies” 2
2. Many scholars have said that if the interest of the shareholder is to get profit, the principle of determinism is against that notion. The employees will make decisions according to their own benefit.
3. there is also an argument that although the co determinism principle try to give equity to all the members of the company the shareholder are going to have always one extra vote, making the decision making process unequal.




1. Explain what Islamic Banking is and its background.
Islamic banking is banking based on Islamic law (Shariah). It follows the Islamic rules and practices on transactions which come from the Quran and the Sunnah, and other secondary sources of Islamic law such as opinions collectively agreed among Shariah scholars (ijma’), analogy (qiyas) and personal reasoning (ijtihad). 1

2. What are the key principles of Islamic banking?
Islamic Banking is based on the principles of trade, partnership, sharing of gains and losses, and prohibition of out of control risk. It prohibits:
· Interest-based banking
· Gharar –unclear contracts
· Maysir–speculation
· Financing of haram transactions (alcohol, gambling, pork, etc.)2

3. Islamic law forbids institutions from charging interests on loans. How do they make profits when lending money?

Banks can profit from the buying and selling of approved goods and services. The principal means of Islamic finance are based on trading, and it is essential that risk be involved in any trading activity, so banks and financial institutions will trade in sharia-compliant investments with the money deposited by customers, sharing the risks, and the profits between them.
Although they cannot charge interest, the banks can profit from helping customers to purchase a property using ijara (leasing) or murabaha (sale on agreed upon profit) scheme. With an ijara scheme the bank makes money by charging the customer rent; with a murabaha scheme, a price is agreed at the outset which is more than the market value. This profit is deemed to be a reward for the risk that is assumed by the bank.

4. Explain the concept of ethical investments under Islamic law. Who is to determine whether an activity is allowed or not?
There are firm laws governing the types of business the banks can trade with. There should be absolutely no investment in unsuitable businesses, including those involved with armaments, pork, tobacco, drugs, alcohol or pornography.

5. How does Islamic banking influence the economy in the Middle East?

The steady expansion of Islamic banks has been the hallmark of the Middle East financial landscape in the 1980s and 1990s. With a network that spans more than 60 countries and an asset base of more than $200 billion, Islamic banks are now playing an increasingly significant role in their respective markets. To this end, Islamic banks are rapidly gaining market shares in their domestic economies and their presence in highly sophisticated markets exemplifies the empirical success of the viability of eliminating fixed interest payments from financial transactions. Indeed, consolidation among banks, rising competition and continuous innovation
to provide financial services, all contribute to a growing interest in a detailed
critical evaluation of Islamic banks.
Islamic banks have the flexibility of becoming shareholders and creditors of firms, as well as the advantage of providing investment-banking services3 all this sums to attrack foreing direct investment to Middle East and foster its economy.
6. Based on your research and knowledge about this topic, what is the future of Islamic Banking in terms of global expansion and growth?
Even though the Islamic banking industry is relatively new compared to the conventional banking, Introduced 30 years ago, it was operating in a limited number of Muslim countries. Three decades ago, Islamic banking was targeting and planning to serve only Muslim clients keen to deal only on Shariah compliant base.
After this research I must say that the future of Islamic Banking is really promising,
Peolple perceived a banking concept based on transparency, win-win relationship and Ethical banking values and services, making them worth trustful.


2. 3.


Blood Diamonds, also known as “Conflict Diamonds” are stones that are produced in areas controlled by rebel forces that are opposed to internationally recognized governments. The rebels sell these diamonds, and the money is used to purchase arms or to fund their military actions. Blood Diamonds are often produced through the forced labor of men, women and children. They are also stolen during shipment or seized by attacking the mining operations of legitimate producers. These attacks can be on the scale of a large military operation. The stones are then smuggled into the international diamond trade and sold as legitimate gems. These diamonds are often the main source of funding for the rebels, however, arms merchants, smugglers and dishonest diamond traders enable their actions. Enormous amounts of money are at stake and bribes, threats, torture, and murder are modes of operation. This is why the term "blood diamonds" is used.
The flow of Conflict Diamonds has originated mainly from Sierra Leone, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia and Ivory Coast. The United Nations and other groups are working to block the entry of conflict diamonds into the worldwide diamond trade. Their approach has been to develop a government certification procedure known as the “Kimberly Process”. This procedure requires each nation to certify that all rough diamond exports are produced through legitimate mining and sales activity. All rough diamonds exported from these nations are to be accompanied by certificates. These certificates state that the diamonds were produced, sold and exported through legitimate channels. The certification process accounts for all rough diamonds, through every step of their movement, from mine to retail sale. Retail customers buying a cut diamond are encouraged to insist upon a sales receipt that documents that their diamond originated from a conflict free source.
Some cases of this conflict were:

Angola, colony of Portugal, gained independence on November 11, 1975. Although independent, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), and the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) fought in civil war from 1974 to 2001. Between 1992 and 1998, in violation of the 1991 Bicesse Accords, UNITA sold diamonds to to finance its war with the government. The UN recognized the role that diamonds played in funding the UNITA rebels, and in 1998, passed United Nations Security Council Resolution 1173 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1176, banning the purchase of conflict diamonds from Angola.

From 1989 to 2001 Liberia was engaged in a civil war. In 2000, the UN accused Liberian president Charles G. Taylor of supporting the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) insurgency in neighboring Sierra Leone with weapons and training in exchange for diamonds. In 2001 the UN applied sanctions on the Liberian diamond trade. In August 2003 Taylor stepped down as president, and after being exiled to Nigeria, now faces trial in The Hague.
Liberia today is at peace and is attempting to construct a legitimate diamond mining industry. The UN has lifted sanctions and Liberia is now a member of the Kimberley Process
Sierra Leone
In July 1999, following over eight years of civil conflict, negotiations between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front led to the signing of the Lome Peace Agreement under which the parties agreed to the cessation of hostilities, disarmament of all combatants and the formation of a government of national unity. The United Nations and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) helped facilitate the negotiations. In resolution 1270 of 22 October 1999, the Security Council established the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) to help create the conditions in which the parties could implement the Agreement.

1. What is Ubuntu? How was it applied to support the merging process of the two companies? (3 examples).

The Ubuntu is a philosophical thought system which embodies the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a large majority of the South African population. Ubuntu can be defined as humaneness, a pervasive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness that individuals and groups display for one another. 3 examples of how ubuntu supports the merging process are:

1. Holding periodically company-sponsored events and ceremonies, in order to break the psychological impasse created by supervisors that discourage conversation and other forms of socializing in the work place. Ubuntu have an extremely rich repertoire of rituals and attending forms of music and singing, dance, and the eloquent verbal expressions of praise singers.

2. Time, in the ubuntu context, is reflected as a unifying and integrating construct that emphasizes interdependence, shared heritage, regularity, and congruity. Furthermore, time is not experienced only in the present; it also heals past experiences and allows for reflection.

3. In the ubuntu context, the emphasis is on social well-being rather than on technical rationality. The objective is to optimize efficiency rather than to maximize it, and that allows higher priority for peaceful and harmonious relationships. In this context, an optimized solution is one that leads to the most favored outcome by a much wider group of stakeholders in the long run. In the short run, this will yield lower efficiencies than the maximized solution.'' Attempts to maximize efficiency often incur the cost of fractured relationships, and social disruption can have unintended consequences.

Mangaliso, Mzamo. 2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu. In Thomas, David Clinton, editor, Readings and cases in International Management: A cross-cultural perspective.


South Asia, also known as Southern Asia, is the southern region of the Asian continent, which comprises Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Some definitions may also include Afghanistan, Burma, Tibet, and the British Indian Ocean Territories. South Asia contains one fifth of the world's population, making it both the most populous and most densely populated geographical region in the world.

In this Blog entry I’m going to focus on India, due to the fact that is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and how it can be one of the most important economies.
India is the seventh largest nation by area in the world, the second-most populous country with over 1.18 billion people, the most populous democracy in the world and also counts with an strategic position (north-central region of Indian Ocean) to foster and stimulate the transoceanic commerce. It is also located in a zone of multiples resources, and it has qualified labor force to exploit them.

This country also counts with demographic factors that can be helpful. Being the world's second largest population, and due to its high birth rate India has a young population compared to most aging nations. It has approximately 60% of its population below the age of 30. This in the future can be an advantage cause, while some of the powerful nations will witness a decrease in workforce in coming decades, India will expect to have an increase [1].
Another factor that is really important is the booming of the economy. It “is currently the world's 4th largest in terms of real GDP (PPP) after the USA, the People's Republic of China and Japan, and the second fastest growing major economy in the world, averaging at an annual growth rate of above 8%” [2]. It is also becoming one of the world's leading producers of computer software and with Research & Development centers it is experiencing a steady revolution in science and technology.
They are also in the process of developing modern mass rapid transit systems to replace its existing system which is seen as inadequate, in order to modernize the existing infrastructure.
About the political aspect, India is the world's largest democratic republic; this has help to improve its relations with other democratic nations and significantly improved its ties with the majority of the nations in the developed world.
Image Source: -
Besides the political and economical factors, India has also cultural aspects that can help them as well to accomplish their target of becoming one of the most important economies. The fact of having a combination within their society, of multiple ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions, ideologies and world view, living together as a melting pot, has produced much cultural influence, and has the potential to re-enforce the massive influence on world culture through modern trends such as entertainment.
It is true that India has a long way to go in order to correct and modernize their country if they want to be the most important economy in the world. But they have in favor the fact that they already realized of this matter and they have begin to correct the deficiencies. Besides, they have the resources and the capacity, to achieve it.

India Flag Image Source:

Case study analysis: “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.”

1. What do you think are the reasons behind the fast-growth outsourcing industry in India?

Globalization of economies supplemented by technological advances has led to the evolution of the outsourcing industry in India. After the flourishing of information technology (IT) in the late 1990s and 2000s, outsourcing has spread to Indian States. US companies started outsourcing information technology activities to low cost locations in India. Some of the companies also started their offshore facilities in India. The internet business boom is the main drive for this success.
Other important aspects to take into account are India and it skilled human resources, its infrastructure and its climatic conditions. But the main reason of the fast growth in India is because outsourcing is cheaper than outsourcing to other locations in the world.

Vijaya, T.G., D`Netto, Brian and España, Juan. 2007. “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.” The Management Case Study Journal 7 (2): 41-51.