martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


Expatriates Assignment is when a suitable individual is assigned on a temporary basis, and subsequently returns to another position in the same company in the original country (Inkson et al, 2003). There are several types of Expatriates Assignments. The Long-term expatriate assignments that is when the international manager and his/her family move to the host country for over a year, the Short-term expatriate that is an assignment with a specified duration, usually less than one year. In this case, the family may accompany the expatriate, the International commuter is when an employee commutes from the home country to a workplace in another country, usually on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, while the family remains at home and the Frequent flyer that is when an employee undertakes frequent international business trips but does not relocate.
There are different reasons for the failure of assignments which include various family issues, managers’ inability to adjust, the level of managers’ personal and emotional maturity, and the inability to cope with greater overseas responsibility (Tung, 1981). All this will carry some implications to the firm like costs, time, risk, transfer of the know how among others.
Some of the reasons of incurring in EA because Professional Development, Knowledge Transfer, Fulfillment of Scarce Skills, Control and Co-ordination.
On the other hand, overseas experience is a personal initiative in order to get a geographical exploration, to live a cultural experience, and to have a work-career development. The OE gives to individuals the opportunity to find their own learning from their experience.

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