martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


The term migrant worker refers, according to the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, to a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national.
People choose to become migrants for a number of reasons. The obvious incentive is money and work, but also, they might leave their country because of political or economic instability at home.
Many experts have come to recognize the importance of migrant workers as contributors to host countries rather than as redundancy of domestic labor force. Migrant workers contribute to appeasing the labor shortage in some sectors in which employers failed to find human resources in the domestic labor market, largely attributed to relatively poor working conditions and lower wage.
But although, labor migrants work under underpaid conditions, these people often have to deal with different issues like discrimination, xenophobia, racism and intolerance; because nationals think they are taking their jobs. But there are different National Human Rights Institutions that are working to defend their interests, ensuring efficient domestic legal protection of all migrant.
Lastly, National Human Rights Institutions should include refugees and asylum seekers among the groups requiring special attention as well.
¿Do you think the Points System in Canada is meant to protect the country’s sovereignity?, or ¿is it just a deliberated form of discrimination? ¿why?

I consider that the Points Systems is not intended to discriminate anyone; on the contrary, it tries to look for what is the best for their country and this way protect their sovereignty. I also believe, that Canada is one of the fewer countries that gives benefits to people that want to go an live there, but there has to be some kind of regulation, a way to protect their citizens, their culture, and the best way is to have some kind of standard, in this case the point system. Besides, these regulations included the elimination of discrimination based on nationality or race from all classes of immigrants, giving everyone the change to postulate and become a permanent resident in Canada.

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