martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


According to Geert Hofstede culture is the
collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the member of one human group from another.. Culture in this sense, includes systems of values: and values are among the building blocks of culture. He also says that the culture you have to learn it, you have to mold your behavior to the particular constraints of your culture group and to recognize the meanings of messages communicated to other member of the group. The cultural values that are define as assumptions that members of a culture group make about how they should behave, are passed on first by parents and family, then by other
members and institutions of the culture group.
Culture is always likely to be an influence on how the organization makes decisions, communicates, and structures its roles and relationships, but a culture is unlikely to be the only significant factor. Other possible influences might include internal factors such as the organizational strategy and external factors including the market, competition, economic conditions and so on.
On the decision making process of an organization is not practical that the manager base the decisions entirely on the needs of the individual, instead he needs to base it according to a group with a share identity. This is how a organizational culture is created, and its definition is the whole collection of assumptions , practices and norms that people in the organization adopt over time. This way is easier for both, manager and employees work together in order to accomplish what is best for the company.


I do think that every single organization, profitable and non-profitable, has its own corporate culture, even though many of them don’t even know clearly which one is.
It is really important to implement it because is the path that every single person must follow, is how they must work and relate with each other, in order to accomplish their tasks and objectives inside the company. Besides the most important asset of any organization is its people, and nothing affects the day to day lives of your people more than the culture in which they work. And although many researchers about organizations might said that it can’t be modified I do think is possible. Everything is susceptible to change; the one thing that we have to know is that every change needs time for people to assimilate it.
To finish I must say that there have been many cases about mergers, acquisitions, among others, that have been successful and even though the organizational change has not been easy they have manage to resolve it. But there is also the opposite side, like for example the case of Chrysler where two kinds of national cultures (U.S & Germany) where bring together and each of them has it own definition about what is organization. As a result they found out that they don’t harmonize and they had to sell it.

Mead, Richard. 2004. International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions London: Blackwell Publishing. Chapter 1.
Millman, Gregory J. . 2007. "Corporate Culture: more myth than reality? ." The Free Library 23:44-47. Millman, Gregory J. (2007, July 1).

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